The Piora Valley is a charming and sunny region of rare beauty located in the Southern Swiss Alps. This splendid alpine region situated at 1800-2200 m. of altitude is approx. 8 km long (5miles) and has a surface of 23 km2. It is the widest alpine pasture land of Canton Ticino. In this valley you can find more than 20 alpines lakes. Among those the main lakes are the Ritom, the Tom and the Cadagno. You can either go for an easy stroll along the new hiking trail around Lake Ritom or take one of the more challenging trails of the sourranding mountains from where you will enjoy the beautiful scenary. All the hiking routes are well marked. From June until August the valley flourishes like a garden with thousands colors and aromatic scents. The Botanical Alpine center run by the Ticino government is located next to the Piora Cheese factory.
Airolo and the Gotthard Pass
www.ticino.ch www.ritom.ch www.leventinaturismo.ch www.capanneti.ch www.schweizmobil.ch